Dancing you will understand the world


About Us

About Us' — Welcome to SALIM NEWS website that seeks to link current affairs with treasures from the past in such a way that both complete each other and are better understood with the help of the other.The treasures of the past include speeches given in English by Sheikh Nazim Efendi (q), who became invisible to this world ten years ago, which were and still are available as audio recordings (podcasts) with dramatic music-supported opening acts under the title ‘Before Armageddon’, then appeared as (English) texts in the weekend magazine ‘Expected Paraklete’ and in the German-language ‘Lichtblick-Weekly from the Black Forest’ for ten years without interruption. — Current publications on this website include Shaykh Mehmet efendi's activities with sorbets in various parts of the world, especially in Istanbul and Lefke. In addition, there are the speeches (khutbas) that Sheikh Salim gives weekly in the Zia Pasha Mosque (in Dali in southern Cyprus) and which are published in German, English and Arabic. since two years. In addition, commentaries on everyday events are to appear as columns, occasionally also in film form. SALIM NEWS is also connected to Salim’s former main blog ‘Islam-Press’. — Salim is of German descent and has lived with his family for 18 years in both parts of Cyprus, where a holy man once asked him to move (‘I m glad that you ask.’). He has worked as a philosopher at university, as a reporter for the Schwarzwälder Boten and, together with his wife Hagar, as a publisher, and is no longer the youngest.